Radical Oneness: completion and process
Completion is happening right now. It’s completed actually. You are already whole, perfect and complete, lacking nothing, right now
Radical Oneness: seeing
The eye is the image. The image is simply I. From here reality unfolds as it is, no duality
Radical Oneness: Self-Acceptance & Approval
Rejection of the part of me that is not at peace with has occurred. I will also reject the feelings that come with it, even though they are
Radical Oneness: Ego & Being With
The construction of the self is a social process. The child learning “No!” is the beginning of a true, solid boundary and barrier, although
Valentine's Day & Self-Acceptance
Valentine's Day! What a better day to delve into self-love and self-acceptance. We can look inward first to find love and then give it a
Radical Oneness: The One Body
The universe is in a conspiracy to wake you up to the One. However, because your entire upbringing, experience, conditioning and...
Presence and Mindfulness
When you are present you are giving the gift of you to those around you.