Radical Oneness: Your Life as Metaphor
Your life is a metaphor. It’s difficult to discuss, but I really mean it literally, in that your life is a representation of what you think
Radical Oneness: Impossible to See
Radical Oneness is a viewpoint that is literally impossible to see from cognitive-lingual point of view. As I re-enter the word-sphere, I im
McKenna: The Self is the Other
A short audio recording in which McKenna references a Jungian tale in which the hero goes on a quest to find "the answer." Guess where it...
Self-Acceptance and Shadow Work
Instead of using our preferences against ourselves, we have the opportunity to accept ALL of ourselves. Even the aspects we don't...
Radical Oneness: The One Body
The universe is in a conspiracy to wake you up to the One. However, because your entire upbringing, experience, conditioning and...