Radical Oneness: Self-Acceptance & Approval
Rejection of the part of me that is not at peace with has occurred. I will also reject the feelings that come with it, even though they are
Radical Oneness: Ego & Being With
The construction of the self is a social process. The child learning “No!” is the beginning of a true, solid boundary and barrier, although
Oneness: waking up isn’t your problem
Many, including myself, have ached and begged for awakening, to be cast into wakefulness and out of the “cruel hell of delusion.” Perhaps...
Radical Oneness: Your Life as Metaphor
Your life is a metaphor. It’s difficult to discuss, but I really mean it literally, in that your life is a representation of what you think
Radical Oneness: Impossible to See
Radical Oneness is a viewpoint that is literally impossible to see from cognitive-lingual point of view. As I re-enter the word-sphere, I im
Radical Oneness: I want to be your dog
Of course a dog has Buddha nature, you silly monk!” But a dog can never have full human awakening because it has never separated itself from
Radical Oneness: Does the universe even care?
I’m encouraging myself to be in the mystery. What would it be like to move forward in my commitment without a story of mattering or not matt
Radical Oneness: Trust
We have no experience of death so how could we trust it? A primary supposition in the worldview of Transformation is that the universe is...
Radical Oneness: The One Body
The universe is in a conspiracy to wake you up to the One. However, because your entire upbringing, experience, conditioning and...
Radical Oneness: The purpose of this communication
No self is our true self but without "a self," there is no choosing and no speaking. And what are we then? Our duality is so funda